单例类型(Singleton Types)
基本格式: p.type
说明: p必须是scala.AnyRef的子类。这种通常用于返回自身类型,从而用于链式调用。
abstract class Abstract0 { self =>
def set(j: Int): self.type
class Concrete0 extends Abstract0 {
var i = 0
def set(j: Int) = {
i = j
def get = i
(new Concrete0).set(3).get
类型投影(Type Projection)
基本格式: T#X
说明: X必须是T的”类型成员”
# Outer#Inner
class Outer {
trait Inner
def y = new Inner {}
参数化类型(Parameterized Types)
基本格式: T[U1, U2, U3]
说明: 类型参数U1到Un,n>=1。T必须是一个类型的构造器并且接受n个类型参数。
trait Function1[-T1, +R] extends AnyRef { self => }
class TreeMap[A <: Comparable[A], B] { ... }
class List[A] { ... }
class F[M[_], X] { ... }
class S[K <: String] { ... }
元祖类型(Tuple Types)
基本格式: (T1 … Tn), n>=2
说明: 等价写法Tuple[T1…Tn]
注解类型(Annotated Types)
基本格式: SimpleType {Annotation}
class Foo
class Bar extends Foo
import scala.reflect.runtime.{ universe => ju }
def meth[A: ju.TypeTag](xs: List[A]) = xs match {
case strList: List[String @ unchecked]
if ju.typeTag[A].tpe =:= ju.typeOf[String] => "list of Strings"
case barList: List[Bar @ unchecked]
if ju.typeTag[A].tpe =:= ju.typeOf[Bar] => "list of Bar"
复合类型(Compound Types)
基本格式: T1 with … with Tn { Refinement }
trait Type1 {
println(" Type1 被初始化")
trait Type2 {
println(" Type2 被初始化")
def foo(s: String) = println(s)
class SingleType[A] { self: Type1 with Type2 {
def foo(s: String)
} =>
// 定义获取类型的方法
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{ TypeTag, typeTag }
def getTypeTag[T: TypeTag](o: T) = typeTag[T].tpe
val singleType = new SingleType with Type1 with Type2 {}
// singleType类型
SingleType with Type1 with Type2{ def bar(s: String): Unit }
class SingleType { self: AnyRef { def structual(s: String) } }
class SingleType { self: { def structual(s: String) } }
class SingleType { self: type1 with type2 }
class SingleType { self: type1 with type2 {} }
class Bird(val name: String) extends Object {
def fly(height: Int) = println("鸟的飞行高度: " + height)
class Plane(val code: String) extends Object {
def fly(height: Int) = println("代号: " +
code + "的飞机的飞行高度: " + height)
object HeightTest extends App {
通过定义复合类型的参数r, takeOff的第二个参数
def takeOff(
location: String,
r: { val code: String; def fly(height: Int) }
) = {
println(" 起飞点 " + location)
// 因为Bird中没有code属性,所以在此定义
val bird = new Bird("wudi") {
val code = "flappy bird"
val plane = new Plane("Boeing")
takeOff("terminal1", plane)
takeOff("tree", bird)
中置类型(Infix Types)
基本格式: T1 op T2
说明: 上面的表达式中中置操作符会在T1,T2上面调用,它等价于op(T1, T2)。
// 关于:, 最典型的当然是scala.collection.immutable.List,运算是从右往左的
val newList = 1 :: 2 :: Nil
abstract class Converter[T, R] extends (T => R) {
def apply(v1: T): R
class StringConverter[T] extends Converter[T, String] {
def apply(v1: T): String = v1.toString
object InfixTest extends App {
type ==>[T, R] = Converter[T, R]
val infixType: ==>[Int, String] =
new ==>[Int, String] {
def apply(v1: Int) = v1.toString
val infixTypeComplex: Int ==> String =
new ==>[Int, String] {
def apply(v1: Int) = v1.toString
函数类型(Function Types)
基本格式: FunctionArgs => Type
> (T1, …, Tn) => U 表示的是一个函数接受n个参数,并且返回类型U
> 函数类型都是右连接的,S => T => U相当于S => (T => U)
> 函数类型等价于定义了apply方法并且接受相应类型参数的类。
package scala
// 另外Scala函数的参数是逆变的,返回值是协变的
trait Functionn[-T1,..., -Tn, +R] {
def apply(x1: T1,...,xn: Tn): R
override def toString = "<function>"
存在类型(Existential Types) - 2015-08-02 更新
对于存在类型的定义,参见《Scala In Depth》:
Existential types are a means of constructing types where portions of the type signature are existential, where existential means that although some real type meets that portion of a type signature, we don’t care about the specific type. Existential types were introduced into Scala as a means to interoperate with Java’s generic types, such as Iterator<?> or Iterator<? extends Component>
存在类型用于构造类型的时候,有一部分已经是确定的类型(库中的各种已知的数据类型,自己定义的类型类或特质)。Scala引入它主要是为了更方便的调用Java中的泛型类, Iterator<?>或者是Iterator<? extends Component>
基本格式: T forSome { ‘type’ TypeDcl | ‘val’ ValDcl }
,默认情况下type T => type T >: scala.Nothing <: scala.AnyRef
// 在实际使用中,我们一般是 _ 来表示
def foo(x: List[_]) = x
// 完整形式
def foo(x: List[T forSome { type T }]) = x
// Scala compiler 不在意传入什么类型,只要该类型是Int或者是Int的超类即可
def foo(x: List[T forSome { type T >: Int}]) = x
foo(List("hello")) // 因为String与Int的共同父类是Any, 所以上例的T的类型是Any
trait Outer {
type AbsT
def handle(proc: this.type => Unit)
type Ref = x.AbsT forSome { val x: Outer }
> Scala Reference 3.2
> 类型操作符