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1.1 作为属性修饰符,private[this]和private的区别

class Foo {
    private var i = 0 
    private[this] var j = 0 
    def iThing = i * i 
    def jThing = j * j 


object Foo {
  (new Foo).i // Okay
  (new Foo).j // Not Okay
object Bar {
  (new Foo).i // Not Okay
  (new Foo).j // Not Okay


// 部分反编译的代码
public int iThing() { return i() * i(); } 
public int jThing() { return this.j * this.j; }

1.2 case object与object的区别

case object Message
object Message1

前者之于后者,可以用于模式匹配的Pattern,这一点在Akka Actor中作为消息使用的特别多; 继承了Serializable,在网络通讯中可以被序列化,这一点同样在Actor的消息传递时体现的非常明显,特别是当Actor位于不同的机器上的时候; 类似于case class提供了toString的默认实现。在实际编程中,由于经常会接触到Actor,所以第二点体现的更明显。


// Message$
public final class Message$ implements Product, Serializable {
  public static final MODULE$;
  public String toString() { return "Message"; } 

1.3 this与this.type的区别

def -= (s: String): this.type  = { remove(s); this }

this – 当前对象的引用


(1) :paste, :kind, :type, :settings, :javap等命令使用


scala> :pa
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

   val seriesX: RDD[Double] = sc.parallelize(List[Double](2, 4, 5))
   val seriesY: RDD[Double] = sc.parallelize(List[Double](5, 10, 12))

   val correlation: Double = Statistics.corr(seriesX, seriesY)

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.


scala> :kind -v Int
scala.Int's kind is A
This is a proper type.

scala> :kind -v Either
scala.util.Either's kind is F[+A1,+A2]
* -(+)-> * -(+)-> *
This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type

scala> class Ref[M[_]]
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
defined class Ref

scala> :kind -v Ref[List]
Ref's kind is X[F[A]]
(* -> *) -> *
This is a type constructor that takes type constructor(s): a higher-kinded type

上面的打印出的信息告诉我们Int的类型是A, 并且是一个特定类型(参见Scala基础之一阶类型 vs 高阶类型)。 Either是类型构造器并且是一阶类型, Ref是类型构造器并且是高阶类型。

:settings用于查看警告详情,上面代码有一行提示: 加上-feature重新运行一下然后查看详情。

scala> :settings -feature

scala> class Ref[M[_]]
<console>:7: warning: higher-kinded type should be enabled
by making the implicit value scala.language.higherKinds visible.
This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.higherKinds'
or by setting the compiler option -language:higherKinds.
See the Scala docs for value scala.language.higherKinds for a discussion
why the feature should be explicitly enabled.
       class Ref[M[_]]
defined class Ref



scala> object Foo { def apply = 10; def bar = 5 }
defined object Foo

scala> :javap Foo#apply
  public int apply();
    descriptor: ()I
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: bipush        10
         2: ireturn
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       3     0  this   LFoo$;
        line 7: 0


> private[this] vs private的字节码区别

> 实用的Console命令

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